Hanamoa Estate is a 50 year old rubber estate at Cocoalands, Cape Rodney.
The title was first granted by the Administration to the Territory of Papua and New Guinea to Mr Vic Thomas in May 1956 and financed by the Ex-Servicemens' Credit Board. Mr Thomas started planting the rubber that currently stands on the property.

The estate was taken purchased in 1984 by John James and Lizzie Onu Brewster. John and Lizzie ran the estate with the help of their son John Brewster, currently of Kimbe and Cairns. John Brewster snr passed away in 1994 and later Lizzie Onu in the early 1999.

The current title holder is Rosemary Mauri Martin, a niece of Lizzie and John. The estate will continue to be held in the family and used to benefit all members with employment and education funding.

Whilst the estate has been neglected for a few years there are active plans to harvest the timber and replant the rubber. Trucks, vehicles, sawmill, tractor and implements have all been bought and the farm is manned at all times. With the growing demand for vegetables in the southern region of Papua New Guinea there are also plans for market gardening and diversifying crops to provide a year round income.

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